
baltic grey

Venato Grey

Jurassic Grey

Grigio Puro

Alifa Grey

Rapsody Grey

Silvertone Grey

Tobacco Grey

Phantom Grey

Zebra Grey

Elegant Grey

Taj Grey

Antique Grey

Solo Gray

Grey Flamingo

Symphony Grey

Lavender Grey

Silver Grey

Estonia Grey

Iceberg Grey

Bulgari Grey

Gucci Grey

Burberry Grey

Lady Grey

Argento Grey

Roma Grey

Silk Grey

armani Grey

Dolce Grey

fusion grey

Grey Fluente

grey william

Grigio Alpino

Smokey Grey

sept edit lipee (MCI)

contact us

MCI marble center India is central India’s first robotic imported marble and granite processing unit. We produce more than 3 lack sqft of imported marble and 1.5 lack sqft granite every month. We are importing marble blocks from across the globe .A state of the art plant with 2 gangsaw machines for sawing of marble and robotic Italian machines for reinforcing of natural stone to fill the cracks of marble. We are the first imported marble and granite processors in 1000 km radius of Chhattisgarh .With more than 400 varieties of imported marble and granite you have a wide range of selection from 30 plus countries at your door step. Please feel free to connect for a pick up from your door step to visit this enormous plant and a new experience.

+91 93436 03929 (Support)
